Hey I hope one of you smart people can help me. I've just moved into a new house which has a UHF aerial on the side of the house. Pointing more or less in the right direction. When I plug the aerial into my Panasonic MyFreeviewHD box, it's not picking up any channels. Low signal strength, no quality (this is a shot of what should be TVNZ frequency):

But when I plug the aerial directly into my TV with built-in Freeview, it works and tunes all channels. Ch1 & ch2 do seem a little scratchy though. This is signal strength as reported by the TV:

I know the MyFreeview box is working ok - can still play content off its hard drive, and it tuned channels fine when I plugged in at a mate's house.

Might the box have a higher signal quality threshold, so it ignores signals that the TV is registering? Then I might just have to fiddle with the aerial to fix the issue?

Or is it something else?!

Thanks :)

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looks like the recorder is not impressed by the signal strength

see if you get the aerial to do better as well as seeing how many tv points the house has

if 4 for example and you only have 1 tv then bypassing the 4 way splitter will do the trick

Are you using a fly lead to the wall socket? or your cable comes directly to the set?

Try wiggle the fly lead if using one and see if the signal level shoots up, It could be a dodgy cable. Failing that its probably an antenna issue, low signal, the tuner in the tv is probably more sensitive than the Panasonic.

With a signal strength on the TV showing only 26 I'm surprised your TV is even managing to display a picture. Your Panasonic obviously has no show at that strength as evidenced by the very short red bar for signal strength. You need to improve your antenna system.

Thanks everyone. I haven't had a chance to get up to the aerial yet but will see if I can make a difference. Appreciate all the advice :)

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