Hi guys,

I asked some time for some advice for no signal on our zinwell 7500. Ie, when it rains, no signal. When it's hot, no signal. Usually get signal early mornings before it disappears after 15mins.

We took the advice at the time and reset to factory settings and then went up on the roof to look at the lnb which people suggested was a common failure for this model.

Off to a good start! Whoa your horses, went online to trade me and holy moly there's a whole heap of these things on here!

Well it's the weekend again, schools fin and it's nearly time for my holiday too!

Can someone pls suggest and advise me what exactly I need to buy on trade me to replace my lnb? Ie: what specs and should I buy the clip to secure it too!


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Firstly check the frequency of your current LNB.

Then I'd suggest one of these rather than Trademe as you'll get a warrantee and after sales service if needed. They're probably same price as on Trademe anyway. The single output with the correct frequency LO is what you need.

P.S. Adjusting the frequency up or down by 5mhz increments in your setup menu may get reception back temporarily. Depends on how far the LNB L.O. has drifted off frequency or if it has died completely.

Thanks giving this a try now!
No luck at the mo :-(!

So what was the website for the lnb pls?

How to change lnb settings on Dse 7500 attached below.



LNB here

Satellite Dish LNB mounting bracket here

Hi guys,

Replaced the lnb, set at 8oclock, tried lnb no. ... And nothing!

Oops it helps to screw the aerial bak in!


Thank you both for the help!

Merry Christmas to you all!



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