In the last week tv1 on demand app and freeview app pausing or freezing all the time on SHERLOCK! The musketeers, coronation street haven't checked any others, netflix and lightbox not doing it both working great

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I would still check your bandwidth. Netflix and lightbox use a much better compression than on-demand so it will stream way better.

Just did a speed test and download speed is 103 if that's what you mean this is on a samsung smart tv

I hope thats 103 Mbps. If it is that should be fine. Have you tried doing an update or even just rebooting the tv. Or uninstall and reinstall the app.

Yes it is 103 Mbps, I will try all of what you have suggested.  I've never had this problem b4, both apps have always worked great, I watch them more than live tv. By the way I'm on spark fibre, thanks for your help
Satellite Networks Motueka said:

I hope thats 103 Mbps. If it is that should be fine. Have you tried doing an update or even just rebooting the tv. Or uninstall and reinstall the app.

Thanks for contacting us - great to hear from you. Sorry for the delay getting back to you too.

Yes there have been a few problems with buffering this week. We are attempting to get this corrected and so sorry it affected your viewing pleasure. It happens so rarely but we are doing our best to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Hopefully I have assisted in some way.

Let me know if you have any further queries. I am here to help:       this is the answer tv1 on demand emailed me hopefully this gets sorted

Yes it is 103 Mbps, I will try all of what you have suggested.  I've never had this problem b4, both apps have always worked great, I watch them more than live tv. By the way I'm on spark fibre, thanks for your help
Satellite Networks Motueka said:

I hope thats 103 Mbps. If it is that should be fine. Have you tried doing an update or even just rebooting the tv. Or uninstall and reinstall the app.

Hi Maxine, 

Good to hear TVNZ are looking after you here. Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions. 


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