Have not been able to view Freeview - all
I get is a black screen from my app on my Samsung Smart Tv 4HD - tried reinstall but still the problem - it has been like this since last week

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Hi Rachel 

This has been reported and you can check on the latest updates here https://freeviewforum.co.nz/forum/topics/issues-affecting-freeview-...


thanks , i saw this last night -Hopefully, it won't take long to fix !

this has happened before - the TV is only 1 year old..

Hopefully not, always some good shows to catch up on! 


Rachel said:

thanks , i saw this last night -Hopefully, it won't take long to fix !

this has happened before - the TV is only 1 year old..

Hi Rachel I’ve got the same problem, everything works but the on demand app which has even now gone from the trying to load screen to just pure black ! If you want anything on TVNZ and not 3 or bravo then get their app, they have a stand alone one and it’s working fine for me. It’s in the app area when you look at the sources down the bottom. Hope this helps and I hope we both get freeview back soon ! :)

thanks , yes, we are using the TVNZ ( Blue ) App :)

We are having same problem with our Samsung tv. All other apps working well but just getting a black  screen when trying to load freeview!! Help!!!

Mine too, I also got the smartvu dongle and that doesn't have freeview on it at all and there is no option to download it???

Please help and let us know when it will be up and running again!  My husband is going crazy without his Mentalist fix!



While I’d never wish this on anyone else, it IS good to see others have the same issues and that it’s not down to just me and my tele ! Hope this gets sorted soon, as there must be other people out there with this problem who haven’t found this forum :(

Hi Treena you can get the TVNZ app, not to be confused with the freeview one, it’s a standalone app just for TVNZ shows, and it has the mentalist on it, hope this helps :)

Treena Shrimpton said:

Mine too, I also got the smartvu dongle and that doesn't have freeview on it at all and there is no option to download it???

Please help and let us know when it will be up and running again!  My husband is going crazy without his Mentalist fix!



Thanks so much Eden!

You know, I didn't even think about TVNZ having The Mentalist!  I love TVNZ on demand but Freeview has so many more things to watch so are missing it definitely!  Looking forward to it being up and running again!

Hey Treena,

A hotfix was released to fix the Freeview On Demand app on Samsung TVs late on Friday, so it should be working now.  Let us know if it's done the trick, the version with the hotfix is 1.12 (which you can check by going into the Freeview On Demand app > Settings).

Also, the SmartVU you've got should definitely have Freeview on it.  Check the APPS section on your SmartVU (press the button with the 9 squares on it to bring it up); if it's not there already, you should be able to download it from Google Play.  And make sure when you set up your Google account, you used an account that's registered in New Zealand (see here for setup tips). 

Hope that helps :)


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