Hi all,

Just moved into a new property in Wellington which has an existing Sky satellite (last tenants had sky so it works) an there is an existing coax cable connection which I have plugged into our new Dish-TV S8100.  However, when I try to tune the box, it doesn't pick up any signal and then says tuning failed.  The girl in the shop said we may need to contact Sky to get them to unblock the satellite, which seems a bit ridiculous to me.

Any advice ?  A traditional aerial isn't really an option.


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Hi Stuart, 

SKY doesn't block satellite dish's, I would check on a few things -  is there more than one coax cable coming out from the floor / wall of the house? You might have a UHF aerial on the roof which in a way would have a connection to the lounge,

was the DISH TV box used at all prior to moving in? as it might have the old frequencies from the last house?


You probably need to change the LNB Frequency in your setup menu. If you can get on the roof you will find a label on the Dish's LNB that specifies the frequency. They are normally 10750 but some are 11300.  The frequency in the setup menu must match. Sky cannot do anything remotely to your Dish. The girl in the shop is being ridiculous. All Sky can do remotely is activate a Sky Card.

Hi guys,

Thanks for your replies, sorry it's taken so long for me to get back to you!  I've been trying to find the root of the problem but seem to be having little success.  The satbox was a return at the Warehouse, but they had the quality check and said there was nothing wrong it.  However, I'm not overly convinced myself.  I checked the second of the two coax cables in the living room, the second one actually picks up a signal, but then when it runs the blind test, it ends with a "Tuning failed".  So i'm not really sure what else to do?  I'd like to get onto the roof to check the satellite to check what Biggles has said but with the winds lately its been a bit precarious! 

Have I missed something really obvious?

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