Hi all,
I have a previously problem free home TV setup with a freeview box and a Vantage box. Since Mon 19th Sept 2016, from 6.33 pm until somewhere between 11.30 pm and midnight (still tracking that) all channels are subject to continuous significant signal interference. It's still occurring on Saturday night, and timing is precise.
Technician has been and checked everything over, removed anything which may have reduced the signal ( such as an old analog recorder) but no change to the pattern. Signal strength reads xlnt at all test points. Problem of course is I cannot replicate the problem live for techy until after 6.30 pm :)
Have captured it on recordings, but can't test for it from those.
I have nothing new occurring in the home, no new machinery.
What is my next step? Do I contact the govt agency which has this type of thing in their remit?
I have read through the most recent discussions of similar issues on this forum; is the 4G issue still live, or sorted?
Is there anything new I should check for?
Many thanks for any suggestions

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What time do your street lights turn on? Faulty street light can cause problems.

4g interference would most likely be present all the time rather than specific times.

Oh what an excellent thought! I shall check that tomorrow night. I checked what time the night owl water heater switched on, but no coincidence. If it were street light, the fault should remain through night hours; so I'll try recording a very late/early programme to see if the interference remains. Thanks!
Although this is destroying TV watching, I am enjoying trying to logically narrow down possible causes :)
Ok, the interference was present throughout the late night programme I recorded, until 1am.
Interference absent throughout the day as I checked hourly. Within 2 minutes of the street lights first switching on and warming up, tata! interference present.
I will record an early morning programme running through to past dawn, and check interference times.
Am so hopeful this is the cause. If so, I guess I then contact the council or power co.
Thankyou again!

I've seen quite a few reports of this issue with street lights being the problem. Go outside and see if you can see one flickering and that is probably the culprit.

You could try banging some of the poles too. It might kill the faulty light completely.

thanks nzdtv and Biggles; the neighbours will surely call the white coat people if I am seen out at night smacking light poles lol

although good for the frustration if it builds up again :)

I'll check for flickering lights tonight; not unexpected I suppose, with the torrential non stop rain lately

cheers all

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