DishTV and TV connected - but DVD player/recorder not connected

Hi there

I have connected my TEAC television to my DishTV receiver and everything is working okay. However I can't seem to tune in my LG DVD Player/recorder so they all work in together.

My question is ...

How do I connect my LG DVD Recorder/Player to my TEAC TV and DishTV Receiver so I can record programmes on it and play them back.

I do not have an HMDI cable so am working with the old fashioned cables that came with the player.

I have tried many different ways to connect the LG DVD Player/Recorder but all I am getting is snow. 

When I try and tune the LG DVD player in, the one picture I managed to tune in was black and white. However, that disappeared and I am back to square one - snow.

Can someone explain, in simple terms, where the aerial plugs into, which cables go where etc, so all three pieces of equipment work in together.

Look forward to your answers!

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Should be fairly simple. I used to do this in the early days of digital TV before I bought a Digital Recorder.

UHF antenna connects to antenna input on the DishTV box (or Sat Dish in case of Sat Box).

Composite A/V out (Yellow, Red, White) from DishTV to composite A/V input on DVD Recorder. Select A/V input on the DVD Recorder.

Composite A/V out from DVD Recorder to Composite A/V inputs on the TV. Select A/V input on the TV and it should work.

The TV tuner is not needed at all unless it has a Digital tuner in which case you can record one channel from the STB and watch another on the TV.

It gets a little more complicated if the TV has HDMI in as well.

I still use the same setup to record Sky from my basic Sky Box to my Panasonic Recorder except the Panasonic connects to the TV via HDMI.

Many thanks for your reply, but sadly, this hasn't worked. I'm just getting black and white squiggles across the screen and it doesn't tune in any stations.

There is another way to get the Set top box working through you dvd recorder check to see if both have the old fashion coaxal connections if they have use the short cable that came with the recorder and connect them together . Then switch set top and tune the dvd recorder into finding the set top box . You the should have it working but you are only able to record one channel and not watch another on the Tv . I do this but I have a spare box connected to the tv and my recorder

I don't follow what you mean. You shouldn't be trying to "tune in any stations" on the TV.

Firstly, how did you connect the STB to the TV when it was working? Were you using A/V cables or rf co-ax?

Now, assuming you have the DVD recorder connected to the TV via composite A/V cables (Yellow, red, white) and the TV is set to A/V input, are you able to watch DVDs OK?

Now with the STB connected to the DVD recorder with compoasite A/V cables and the Recorder''s input selected to A/V (not Tuner or TV) you should be able to use the STB to tune for Freeview channels.

Also if you can't see the STB menu on the TV after this then either the connections are wrong or a wrong input is selected.

Can you post a photo of the connections when you had the STB direct to the TV and it was working and also a photo of connections when the Recorder is connected as well?

Julie Aldred said:

Many thanks for your reply, but sadly, this hasn't worked. I'm just getting black and white squiggles across the screen and it doesn't tune in any stations.

This would be my next suggestion too as an alternative but would be handy to find the missing info on just how it is all connected  first. Unfortunately this method provides the worst possible picture quality.

David Lipscombe said:

There is another way to get the Set top box working through you dvd recorder check to see if both have the old fashion coaxal connections if they have use the short cable that came with the recorder and connect them together . Then switch set top and tune the dvd recorder into finding the set top box . You the should have it working but you are only able to record one channel and not watch another on the Tv . I do this but I have a spare box connected to the tv and my recorder

Hi there,

I'm sorry I haven't got back to you all sooner. I'm away at the moment and haven't been able to try any of your suggestions out.

Should be able to get on to this, this coming weekend.

Will be in touch. Thanks for your patience. :)

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