Receiver model: DTVS-1B
Signal strength on all channels is 79%, but 3 and 4 (and their plus one equivalents), and prime, are all fine. 1, 2 (and plus ones) and the maori channel are doing that thing where they freeze and go silent for anything from a second to 10 seconds, and then restart. We recently had someone come and replace the aerial cable, but given that it's affecting only some of the channels it doesn't seem like that could be the problem.
Does anyone have any advice on what to try to make this stop happening?
Most likely your LNB is dying and needs replacing.
I just started having similar problems with my magic tv 3700, the whole thing went off lost power briefly and when it came back on the channels kept freezing up, is this a network problem?
As Biggles said, it looks like your LNB may need replacing as the issue might be isolated to just that, seeing as you had some one replace the cables.
A good place to get LNB's are at your local installer or online either through a retailer or Trade me.
Let me know if this has been helpful?
Hi Andrew
We have sent you a friend request in which then we can contact you about the Magic TV through a private message
Dish TV Support
I've accepted your friend request this is the second time this has happened in the last 3 months.
LNB is Low Noise Block which is the part on the dish end of the co-ax that contains the local oscillator which down-converts the signals from the satellite to a useable frequency for the STB (set top box).
Dug out the receipt from the work done in May, and the LNB is on the list of things that were replaced. I guess we could have been unlucky and got another faulty one, or maybe it's gradually been failing since then... dunno.
I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out when the trouble started and stopped because I watch hardly any TV and I'm relaying information from my wife. She doesn't watch much of TV1 and 2 either, so the data is somewhat incomplete... sorry about that.
Is there anything else we should check for this kind of problem? Would a faulty STB show this as a symptom?
Thanks for updating us on that work done in May,
LNB's shouldn't fail that fast usually it takes years or 10 years for a LNB to fail, I would look at the STB as there might be a fault with the unit or its firmware, You will need to talk to DTVS about this as they might be able to find solutions relating to that model, you can find their contact details here
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