For all those wanting to record 'Downton' on Prime tonight. I was setting up my PC to record 'Manners of Downton Abbey' on Prime tonight and noticed the record time set itself from 2030 to 0605. Thought I had a problem in my NextPVR software but got the same result after updating the EPG. Also got the same result on my Panasonic Recorder. There is currently an error in the EPG for Prime and all the Programs between 2130 and 0605 tonight are missing.

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Hi Biggles,

I'll look into it now

Thanks Josh.

I reset my recorder manually via Timer record so I don't get several hours of unwanted recording.

I have identified the fault, unfortunately this cannot be easily fixed as the Freeview EPG was last updated around 6pm on a rotated schedule, next one I think is at 12 or 6am to load the next week listings for Christmas Day.

Manual Timers are the only option, Have just set this on my Mums PVR for Poldark

I've let the team know
Cheers, Josh

Thanks Biggles and Josh for flagging this and for the work around. There appears to be issues with the EPG data file supplied by the broadcaster from what I've heard. Last update was that Prime had shared their EPG data file and believed the issue to have been fixed. Will let you know if I come across any other info.
I set my recorder for Dowmton and it went for 9hrs 36min I could see it wouldn't stop is there any way I could have stopped it?
I was worried it would go on forever
My recorder is Dish Tv sat box ultra s7090pvr

Pressing the Stop button usually works on most recorders.

I used Timer Record for last nights episode as it was obvious when setting and checking the setup that the finish time was wrong and I didn't want to record several hours.

It always pay to check settings after setting the recorder. The EPG is only a Guide so don't rely on it being accurate.

Interestingly both the last episode and this weeks episode seem to have started before the scheduled time too. Even with my recorder set to start 1 min early I still missed the beginning.

I always add 6 minutes before and after the recording as the networks are becoming a little silly with the delayed starts and series not running to schedule.

tv programmes starting early are almost unheard of except for choice occasionally

The stop button won't stop while programme is recording

The stop button won't stop while programme is recording

It does on my Panasonic.

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