The AM Show returned to TV3 last week and I did a Series Booking to record it on my Freeview PVR as I had done all last year.

Everything appeared OK, the EPG indicated the Series Booking for each of the three hours of the show (6-7, 7-8 & 8-9AM) and it was repeated throughout the week.

The show duly recorded but then the PVR indicated that the series had come to an end and prompted me to delete the booking!!!!! I did NOT delete the booking and the show recorded OK the next day and again told me the series had come to an end. 

I deleted my Series Booking and tried to re-instate it but I was told that the show had already been recorded to my PVR and would not book it. After watching, and deleting the show, from my PVR I could then do the Series Booking. But, of course, I still get told that show has come to an end each day and I am guessing that if I fail to delete a days recordings the PVR will not record the next day as it thinks the show is already recorded.

I am assuming that each program, listed in the Freeview EPG, should be assigned a unique identifier. (Hidden from us mere mortals.) This will stop a PVR, with a booking for a show, recording repeats of that show if the original recording has not been deleted from the hard disk.

It appears that TV3 have assigned the same identifier to ALL the listings for the AM Show, hence my problem.

Is there anyone out there in Freeview land that knows who to talk to at TV3 to get this fixed??

I would just try to send them an email but I don't have any confidence that it would reach the correct person.

It would be great if someone from Freeview could do some training for the broadcasters in the correct use and updating of the Freeview EPG as there has been quite a few errors and problems of late. 

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Their website is broken too. When I connect to it nothing works.

And the ratbags at TV3 still have not fixed this problem. And I also have not had the courtesy of a reply to the email I sent informing them about the problem.

Where are the Freeview police when you need them?

Hi Alan,

Could you please pass on your PVR Make &  Model to me and i'll check with the team. 

Kind Regards,


Alan Douglas said:

And the ratbags at TV3 still have not fixed this problem. And I also have not had the courtesy of a reply to the email I sent informing them about the problem.

Where are the Freeview police when you need them?

Thanks Josh,

It is a DishTV S7090PVR.

I am having no problems with other shows like the TVNZ Breakfast program.

I am a person who records everything I want to watch so I can skip through the Ads (Sorry Advertisers!) so the PVR does get a lot of use. If there is an EPG problem, I WILL find it....

Well! What do you know?

As of today, and onwards, the TV3 EPG lists 'The AM Show' as a single listing from 6 to 9am, instead of the old three separate one hour listings.

And what is even better? I no longer get the message that my series has come to an end.

Well done TV3, better late than never..

But wait. There's more!!

Has anyone else noticed??

The AM Show is now listed as a three hour program on the TV3 Freeview EPG but the AM Show on the TV3+1 EPG is showing it as three individual one hour programs. What the ***!

Shouldn't the EPG for the main channel and the +1 channel be identical, just advanced by an hour?

Come on Freeview, some training would not go amiss.

The times, they are a changing.

TV3 have updated their EPGs for The AM Show yet again... 

The EPG for TV3+1 now is a single 3 hour listing identical to the TV3 listing for The AM Show. 

Common sense has won the day. Go TV3!

In addition to that change, the listing for The AM Show now contains the date of the show.

eg. 'The AM Show Friday March 29 2019'

On the face of it, this seems quite useful. But is it really?

If we are watching the show live, we already know the date. And if we are watching a recording of the show, on a PVR, then the PVR already records and displays the recorded date.

So I guess I am being picky...  But why does the EPG listing need a date included in the program's title?? Is this just another symptom of the TV networks lack of knowledge on the Freeview system?

Where can I apply for a job as Freeview EPG consultant?

Hi All, Mediaworks has now corrected the data

All the work for the AM Show is now complete for Three and Three plus 1. This is now a 3 hour slot, has a different episode title and episode ID every day Monday to Friday

If you notice further issues, please continue to let us know

Thanks Josh,

It still intrigues me as to why The AM Show needs a date in its EPG listing.

The Breakfast show on TV 1 doesn't seem to require a date in the episode title, nor does the 6pm News on TV1 and TV3, Prime News at 5:30pm, The Project on TV3, Seven Sharp on TV1,  and I could go on and on, 

It would be great to have some consistency across all channels use of the EPG.

Even the standardizing the use of 'All New' or having the season and episode number in the episode's EPG description and maybe just a simple indication of a repeat program.

At least most of the channels seem to have grasped the space allowed in the Programs description so sentences no longer just cut off in mid stream.

Josh ✔️ said:

Hi All, Mediaworks has now corrected the data

All the work for the AM Show is now complete for Three and Three plus 1. This is now a 3 hour slot, has a different episode title and episode ID every day Monday to Friday

If you notice further issues, please continue to let us know

Deffs a good question to pass onto the Broadcasters

Alan Douglas said:

Thanks Josh,

It still intrigues me as to why The AM Show needs a date in its EPG listing.

The Breakfast show on TV 1 doesn't seem to require a date in the episode title, nor does the 6pm News on TV1 and TV3, Prime News at 5:30pm, The Project on TV3, Seven Sharp on TV1,  and I could go on and on, 

It would be great to have some consistency across all channels use of the EPG.

Even the standardizing the use of 'All New' or having the season and episode number in the episode's EPG description and maybe just a simple indication of a repeat program.

At least most of the channels seem to have grasped the space allowed in the Programs description so sentences no longer just cut off in mid stream.

Josh ✔️ said:

Hi All, Mediaworks has now corrected the data

All the work for the AM Show is now complete for Three and Three plus 1. This is now a 3 hour slot, has a different episode title and episode ID every day Monday to Friday

If you notice further issues, please continue to let us know

As of the last couple of weeks The AM Shows program title on the EPG has reverted back to just "The AM Show" (ie. the date has been removed.)

I knew that the date thing would not last long. Did it?

Common sense has finally come to MediaWorks.

Deja Vu.......

The AM Show has started again for 2022. 

Its name has changed to just AM but we are now back to the three hour show being listed in the EPG as three 1 hour programs.

Doing a series booking on my PVR books all three to record but after the recording I am told that the series has come to an end and I should delete my booking.  Arrgghhh! Where have I seen this before??

I think that it is time to start a givealittle campaign to help Mediaworks pay to send staff on Freeview EPG training. 

(BTW. I would love to do the training too as I would like to understand why it seems to be so complicated for those in the industry to get it right.)

I thought that the Freeview EPG would be the answer to delivering reliable and accurate information to the TV audience but if the networks don't use it properly then it is useless.

And this is not my only complaint....

  • Networks often fail to update the EPG for late programming changes
  • PrimeTV's EPG once stopped three days out from the current day and their Helpdesk told me that Prime has NOTHING to do with updating the Freeview EPG.
  • Programs can often start BEFORE the scheduled EPG program time. (I can understand programs running late, but not early.)
  • They use very long program names so it is not obvious what the actual program name is when scrolling through the EPG. 
  • At least Prime has now figured out to how to populate the Classification field in the EPG (Only took three years) but now we seem to have the classification added to the program description for all the channels. That may be a Freeview thing, rather than of the networks doing.

TV should be easy...

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