
Wondering if anyone can please help me with a set-up query? I have my main tv connected to a Dish TV aerial box T1050PVR with MyFreeview in lounge and this has always worked well. I have just bought a second tv (with built-in Freeview)for a bedroom and want to know if it's possible to access programmes that I've recorded in the lounge on the bedroom tv? If so, how would I set this up?

Currently I have it set up with UHF aerial cable coming into lounge Freeview box which is then connected to lounge tv (using the R,L and CVBS AV outputs). I have then used the RF Out plug on the box in the lounge to connect a cable to the tv in the bedroom. I am able to get a different channel playing in each room which is great but would like to be able to play back recorded programmes from the lounge box on the bedroom tv.

Hope this makes sense?

You can probably tell I am a bit of a novice so any help would be much appreciated.


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Use an HDMI cable to connect the Freeview box to the TV in the lounge then use the A/V leads to the Bedroom TV. If the new TV doesn't have A/V input (many new ones don't then use HDMI to the bedroom and A/V to the Lounge TV. Also possible to use HDMI splitter to run HDMI to both TVs. Only other option is a modulator or video sender but that will give worst possible analogue picture in Bedroom.

you will need a remote control extender to control the recorder


Thanks so much for your quick reply!

I haven't done anything about this yet as other things have been getting in the way but I want to get it done soon.

Your suggestion sounds good. However, the distance from the lounge to the bedroom is around 10m so I'll need a long HDMI lead. I've found this one at Jaycar: http://www.jaycar.co.nz/Sight-%26-Sound---Home/AV-Leads-%26-Adaptor...

Is this suitable?

Otherwise, is it possible to get 10m long AV leads as I can't seem to locate any? The new TV for the bedroom has both AV input and HDMI.

If I set it up this way will we be able to watch a different channel on each TV? At the moment we can.

Thanks again for your help.

Thanks for your reply.

This is a different option to the one Biggles has suggested but it sounds good too.

I've looked at the remote control extenders online and they seem easy to install/use.

Sorry for my ignorance but do you have to take the remote from the lounge tv into the bedroom? If so, we cant use the two tvs independently?

Have I got it set up correctly to be able to send all the recorded programmes/info to the bedroom tv? (see my initial query above)

Thanks again!

A/V leads now on special at Jaycar.


HDMI gets fussy at 10m. Those HDMI leads are far too expensive and may not work well.

I've used very thin A/V leads at 20m with no problems.

You will still be able to watch different channels on each TV just as you do now. The A/V leads will be purely for watching recorded stuff via A/V input on the TV. You just won't have an HD picture though. A/V is SD only.  To watch HD recordings in HD you would need HDMI. You would need a remote extender to control the T1050 from the bedroom. If someone wanted to change channels in the lounge then you'd need a second remote, share the single remote, or buy another TV (or PVR) with Freeview inbuilt.

yes take the recorder remote into the bedroom to control from there,a 2nd remote would be handy

one tv at a time

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