Having major pixelation issues on Choice & Prime - these are pretty much the only channels I watch so it's frustrating. Been getting worse over the last couple of weeks. Anyone know if this is likely to be my aerial or something else?  I'm in Te Puke

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You don't say where you are. We are having this problem on Choice in the Waikanae area.

Edited now - I'm in Te Puke, BOP

This is most likely your aerial that is causing these issues, 
This might be because your aerial needs to be realigned with your transmitter or loose cables, interference around your home. 


Wouldn't it be affecting all channels if that was the case? Other channels like One, Tv2, 3, Bravo all ok.

Josh @ Freeview said:

This is most likely your aerial that is causing these issues, 
This might be because your aerial needs to be realigned with your transmitter or loose cables, interference around your home. 


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