Having sorted out my channel problems I'm now have issues with trying to install the "WebZeal" Plugin .I downloaded the Internet-Browser-Webzeal-v1.80s.rar file and extracted the file "WebZeal-20110322.tar.bz" file loaded on to a USB drive and tried to install it. The PVR reconises the file and installs it but when I go "Menu-Utilities-plugin" to start WebZeal it is not there. What am I doing wrong, could some put me on the right track ( I have just updated my firmware to Hs v2.11.87)
You are trying to install a very old webzeal
You would do better to go to http://www.ultrapower.co.nz and contact them requesting the latest version.
Thank you for the link, I've downloaded the new Webzeal file and will upload it when I get a chance. In the mean time I have two more oddball things happening, the first I was experiencing before I updated to the Latest firm ware and that is if I'm recording TV1 and Tv3 I find that I can not access Prime, to view or record at the same time ( I was wondering if having separate feeds to each individual tuners, rather than a" loop through" set up would solve the problem?) The other is that when stopping a recording that one is viewing the play list appears with out pushing the Play list button, it has done that since the upgrades, a bit strange. Thanks for any comments or suggestions, so far what you have suggest has been really great, and I thank you for the help
If you only have two tuners you can't watch or record another channel if its on a different mux as Prime is. It will tell you so in the manual. To watch or record a 3rd mux requires 3 tuners.
Arthur Wright said:
Thank you for the link, I've downloaded the new Webzeal file and will upload it when I get a chance. In the mean time I have two more oddball things happening, the first I was experiencing before I updated to the Latest firm ware and that is if I'm recording TV1 and Tv3 I find that I can not access Prime, to view or record at the same time ( I was wondering if having separate feeds to each individual tuners, rather than a" loop through" set up would solve the problem?) The other is that when stopping a recording that one is viewing the play list appears with out pushing the Play list button, it has done that since the upgrades, a bit strange. Thanks for any comments or suggestions, so far what you have suggest has been really great, and I thank you for the help
Which version of webzeal did you load? I think 2.71 is the newest ? not sure as I don't use it.
The receiver only has 2 tuners TV1 , TV3 and Prime now = 3 transponders active, you need make use of the +1 channels to get around it.
The part about stopping a watched program. That's normal it will return to the programs list. You can of course resume the program playing at any stage that you wish to return to it,, it will remember it.
Thanks for the reply. So much the for the manual stating (page 32) "STB can record up to three no mention different service simultaneously" which I can do (providing that one of those channels are not Prime) I can record 3 channels like TV1 TV2, Maori and watch tv4 all at once on the two tuners but not if one of them is Prime, so why is Prime different? I can record TV1 and TV3 individually and watch prime but not all together
As for the play list popping up after ceasing watching a recording one might be viewing, It seems to only have started to do so after the upgrade and never used to do it before, weird
Finally The WebZeal version was 2.51s I have contacted Ultrapower enquiring as to whether or not they have the latest version,
I’m still waiting for their reply, if they have, I’ll wait the upgrading with ver 2.51s and download the later version.
prime is on its own frequency
tv 1,2,maori & 1,2 +1 on another
c4 on its own
tv 3,4,3+1,cue,choice,parliament,te reo,sommet sports etc on another
RE : As for the play list popping up after ceasing watching a recording one might be viewing, It seems to only have started to do so after the upgrade and never used to do it before, weird
Not weird, its more logical for it to return to the playlist. So you can delete what you just finished viewing.
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