Originally post on apsattv group, who suggested this forum.

Gisborne, Wheatstone Rd transmitter, JDA. For the last few weeks TV3 HD on terrestrial has droppind to SD randomly for days on end and it looks aweful, worse than SD on satellite. It was suggested that maybe there's a Satellite back running while issues are sorted but TV One and 2 HD are fine. Anyone else in Gisborne who has the aerial pointed at Wheatstone confirm this for me or someone who has their aerial pointed at the Parikinapa transmitter check as well...thanks.

I have tweeted and emailed TV3 but no response yet. Maybe because it's a weekend.


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Thanks for the info,

I have now sent a report to the team to see what is happening there, will let you know when I hear any further information,

Kind Regards

Thanks. As of right now it's back to HD but if it follows the same pattern SD will be back in a few days.


JDA, Your transmission provider has investigated the fault and have found nothing, that SD feed will only happen if the fibre links are at fault  and the link will be from satellite TV3.

Could you describe the patterns, time? Try a retune or a reset?

I watch Sat Freeview 99% of the time & only watch Freeview HD once or twice a week. But it has switched at least 4 times between HD/SD in the month. Normally when there are changes to channels my LG TV will pop-up message "Please Re-tune...", but not in the case of TV3 changing HD/SD. On Monday lunch time I did get "Please Re-tune..." but TV3 had already switched back to HD.  So when there are channel mapping changes they don't seem to be related to TV3 switching.

  • 1st noticed SD watching Indiana - Last Crusade about a month ago.
  • Wednesday night last week watching Blacklist was in HD, but by Thursday night Grand Designs was SD. Back to HD Monday lunch time
  • My 2nd TV (Panasonic CS610) also showed TV3 changing.
  • I also have a cheap STB which showed TV3 changing.

I'll check 1 or 2 times a day from now on & If i notice a change I'll...reset/re-tune the 2 TV's & STB, disconnect aerial & try bunny ears to verify it's not just my set-up at fault.

How do you know it's SD?

My understanding is that TV1 and TV3 transmit 1080i all the time but only some programs are actually HD. The majority of programs are in SD. On odd occasions I've noticed that programs that are normally in HD may be in SD. You need to check the EPG or use the ïnfo" button on your remote to check what the program standard is. You can also check the online guides. I can always tell if a program is HD or SD by the size of the recorded file when I use my PC to edit out the Ads.

My local Tx is Waiatarua.

P.S. Just looked at the TV Guide for this week and Grand Designs UK is SD not HD.

Have you turned LCN off on your TV Settings? I notice TV3 isn't normally on Channel 5

Biggles, The channel is decoded in HD so the info bar should say 1080i that doesn't mean the shows are broadcast in HD as you mentioned but from the transmission point of view TV One, TV2, TV3 all transmit in the 1080i format 24/7 since they launched after the flick from 720p to full hd.

DTV also means that it's from the DVB-T field, if I am correct this is a LG TV which I gave several indicating the same.

See the 2 attachments from the original post showing 576i.

LCN Off so my LG TV numbers channels in the order it finds them during a scan.

Hi Joshua.

I thought that was what I said and meant but I was'nt quite clear. I just checked both my Sony TV and Panasonic Recorder. The info button shows if the transmission is HD or SD but not what the program quality is other than audio stream type. Sony says '1080i' for 1080i and Panasonic says 'HDTV' for 1080i. Sony says '576i' for SD and Panasonic just blank. I thought it showed HD or SD as well but we have to got to EPG or online Guide to find that out.

Yep. I should have looked at those before. Just didn't notice them. Certainly seems to indicate that the actual transmission is SD.

There has been a few upgrades across the country but I am unsure if this would affect the services in your area, please keep an eye out and report to me if TV3 goes to SD again, note the time and date

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