This evening prime +1 disappeared whilst 3+1 was clear as anything and all this was on satellite . my question is does 3+1 have a stronger signal than Prime +1 . And the other query is when will Prime +1 coming to Freeview HD ?

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Hi david can not say about stronger signal with each one,, but you will not get HD freeview satellite most boxes are SD or dvb for HD you need dvb s2 box which freeview have not brough out yet ,,,could be wrong

Not only do you need a DVB-S2 box but also a Sky Card as the HD Channels are scrambled.

I have an Android box with built in Sat tuner but it cant decode the HD channels as they are scrambled. So even if Freeview DVB-S2 boxes became readily available Freeview would still need to negotiate with Sky and no doubt pay them to unscramble the HD Channels.

bundy said:

Hi david can not say about stronger signal with each one,, but you will not get HD freeview satellite most boxes are SD or dvb for HD you need dvb s2 box which freeview have not brough out yet ,,,could be wrong

Biggles I was viewing those 2 channels on my ALKRIS ALK-FTA1 sat box as I got sick of the problems on My SKY box I went into another room and was watching it there , so when I switched it on 3+1 was working perfectly as I was watching that in the morning I then went over to Prime plus +1 and nothing was viewable and all this happened between 8.30 and 9.00 pm friday night . And it has happen previously also

My Question at the end was when is Prime +1 coming to the Terrestrial channels as I have on all my sat boxes it would be nice t have on the other system

bundy said:

Hi david can not say about stronger signal with each one,, but you will not get HD freeview satellite most boxes are SD or dvb for HD you need dvb s2 box which freeview have not brough out yet ,,,could be wrong

OK. Have you checked signal strengths on each mux and each of your boxes? Could be a failing LNB losing the weaker mux occasionally. Or maybe it just wants the skew angle tweaking?

P.S. Prime, Prime+1, Bravo+1 and The Edge are all on the same Sat Mux so if you lost one did you lose the others too? If not then it would be a transmission fault.

David Lipscombe said:

Biggles I was viewing those 2 channels on my ALKRIS ALK-FTA1 sat box as I got sick of the problems on My SKY box I went into another room and was watching it there , so when I switched it on 3+1 was working perfectly as I was watching that in the morning I then went over to Prime plus +1 and nothing was viewable and all this happened between 8.30 and 9.00 pm friday night . And it has happen previously also

The LNB IS 3mths old as the old [SKY] sharp lnb died and a spare new one put to oneside for that purpose and got a Sky Tesh to install it

Biggles said:

OK. Have you checked signal strengths on each mux and each of your boxes? Could be a failing LNB losing the weaker mux occasionally. Or maybe it just wants the skew angle tweaking?

David Lipscombe said:

Biggles I was viewing those 2 channels on my ALKRIS ALK-FTA1 sat box as I got sick of the problems on My SKY box I went into another room and was watching it there , so when I switched it on 3+1 was working perfectly as I was watching that in the morning I then went over to Prime plus +1 and nothing was viewable and all this happened between 8.30 and 9.00 pm friday night . And it has happen previously also

on my setup all signals 12456/12483/12519 are much of a muchness with a difference of maybe +/-2

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