I get a 'media not alive' message. Was working fine yesterday, now cannot access library.

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Hey Helene

Could you please try unplug the unit from the wall and leave for 20-60 secs. Then plug in and turn on, wait for the unit to boot up fully. If the message "media not alive" shows then there is a connection fault inside the built in hard drive.

Has the unit experienced any unexpected shutdown? I.e. Power fault, switched off from wall while still on?

Kind Regards
Dish TV Forum Support

The unit was working fine the night before, just turned off at the set-box as usual.

I tried what you suggested yesterday morning, but it had no effect.

Yesterday afternoon  I reformatted the hard drive and it is working fine, except I have lost channels 4+1, Prime and The Edge.

The day before all this happened, I was unable to record Prime on the EPG, getting the error message -2 I think. I suspect these channels were missing then, also.

Found instructions elsewhere in the forum and is now fixed except can only record current day's programs.

Thanks for the help.

Good advice. Turning off at the wall and disconnecting for a while will often clear a lot of problems. I notice from various Forums that most people seem to turn their equipment off at night. It's not really necessary and often seems to cause problems. I always leave mine (Sky box and Panasonic recorder, etc) running 24/7 and only turn off the TV and Audio Amp. I've never had any problems except the fans will tend to accumulate a bit of house dust so may need cleaning every year or two. The only time I turn everything off is during thunderstorms when we have possibility of brownouts and lightning strikes. I've already lost one recorder, a PC motherboard and a modem to a nearby lightning strike.

Thanks for the heads up Helene!

If you ever need further support, let us know here or contact our friendly team here: 

Kind Regards

Dish TV Forum Support

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