lately we keep seeing lcn changed on the screen.  Also it only has to rain a little bit and we have frozen screen.

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Satellite or terrestrial?

What equipment?

What channel?

Biggles said:

Satellite or terrestrial?

What equipment?

What channel?

satellite, using Dish S7070r receiver, happens on all channels but 1 & 2 worst. Have only had this reciever bout month & 1/2. 

When not raining goes great

Hi Joann,

LCN stands for "Logical Channel Numbering". I think it's the mechanism which sets the channels into Freeview's pre-determined order (Eg:- Prime is always on 10!)

I've come across it popping up on the screen twice on UHF but never on satellite. In the UHF situations the receiver was picking up two transmission signals from two different transmitters and couldn't decide which was the strongest signal.

For the benefit of others reading this post = We fixed the problem by manually tuning in the three muxes to just the strongest available signal. - (Rather than "Auto Tune" which picks up all available signals).

But on the satellite system, you've only got one satellite and TV1 & 2 are only available on one transponder; So I suggest you phone DishTV on 0800-347488 tomorrow, because it may be a problem in the receiver itself.

Cheers,  Bill.

If you get picture freeze and loss of signal in light rain then I suspect your LNB is most likely failing and needs replacing. If it only happens on TV1 & 2 it's possible that the LNB  skew may need adjusting slightly. TV1 & 2 are usually first to disappear if the skew is slightly off. You should only get "rain fade" in really heavy rain. We only ever see rain fade a couple of times a year on our Sky setup and only in torrential downpours.

 Hi Joann,

Biggles is correct in saying that picture freeze and loss of signal in light rain can be caused by a failing LNB or incorrect skew on the LNB, (and this may ultimately be a part of your problem), but in all the thousands of faulty LNBs I have replaced, I have never seen the message "LCN changed" come up on a satellite receiver as a result of a faulty LNB.

So I still suggest that you phone DishTV and explain your problem to them before doing anything else. They are extremely helpful and may even be able to rectify the problem over the phone for you, if it is something to do with the programming.

Cheers, Bill.

I agree that the LCN message has nothing to do with the LNB. However you have two totally different problems. The picture freeze is almost certainly  LNB related whereas the LCN Change problem may be a STB fault and you should contact DishTV for advice.

Bill McMurray said:

but in all the thousands of faulty LNBs I have replaced, I have never seen the message "LCN changed" come up on a satellite receiver as a result of a faulty LNB.

So I still suggest that you phone DishTV and explain your problem to them before doing anything else.



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