I keep getting a pixelated recording for prime.  when watching it and recording it seems fine. but set a timer and turn the STB off  its all pixelated,

I have 76% signal strength, what should the strength bee, , and its the  freeview TP frequency.


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prime could be between 75-90 on 12707 H  22500 

many sat boxes have a minimum of about 40

Hi Gary, 

What receiver/make and model are you having this issue with?

Vu Duo, and its only on prime, none of the others are affected. its on 12707Tp as well


Thanks for this, 

From what it looks like, the fault is likely related to your satellite dish, mainly because the frequency used for prime is higher than the other Freeview TPs'. 

You will need to realign and/or readjust your Dish/LNB and see if Prime returns with no issue. You can find out more about how to do this here (Under Reception issues)

thanks for that. if that is  the issue I will be happy

this is still an  on-going issue  and am sure its not the dish,

because during the day it records prime and another channel fine but at night it wont.

If it's OK in daytime and no good at night it's probably because the LNB frequency is drifting with temperature change and is most likely failing. Try adjusting the freq (12707) up or down 5mhz at a time in your menu and check strength again. Unlikely to be anything other than the LNB. Also if possible try your recorder on another known good dish and/or another STB on your dish for comparison. Another trick is to spray the dish with a hose during the day to cool it and see if the problem appears.

trouble is my parents have a newer  LNb and its the same for them and they are in whangamata i am in palmy

That does make it seem like it's not LNB related but it's still possible both LNB are failing. The fact that Prime is only available unencrypted on the Sky mux seems to cause many problems for Freeview satellite users. If I was in Palmy I'd be using FreeviewHD Terrestrial with a Panasonic and not satellite which is crappy SD signal. However best thing I can advise at the moment is try and borrow another receiver/PVR to try on your dish and see if problem is still there.

seems to be a known  issue with the vu duo 

seen other posts on geekzone

see if you can record non prime to hdd as usual and timeshift prime to usb

Its a shame because before Prime went to the Sky Tp it was awesome,

I may have solved the problem,

I have 1 cable into turner A and had set turner B to be "Equal to" Ihave now changed this to "loop through Tuner A" and so far all seems to be ok. am doing more testing



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