Hi there,

Our box is online, I manage to find that much out in the 5 seconds I get between it constantly being stuck in a cycle of... boots up > gives me 5 seconds > up comes screen saying we need to update > tries to update > fails so reboots >   gives me 5 seconds ... and on and on and on and on and I'm STUCK IN A STUPID CYCLE!!

Help us please.  What do we need to do to stop it doing this?   Why does it have to even do an update, why can't it be optional?? 
I checked it was online in that 5 second break.  I even triggered a factory reset in the 5 second window.    The router is online, I'm online now.  I've unplugged the whole thing, plugged it back in.  Restarted the router.   My only idea is that it's something at the OTHER end where it's trying to get the update from.

Yes, I'm also in Lower Hutt where we had a power cut and quake.

Images of the update screen below.  It gets right up to Retrying wifi connection [3] and then bails.

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Good Morning Michelle

Please try a wired internet connection or an alternative method would be to download the software file from our website and put onto a USB and install that way , you can contact us to send you a USB with the software file on it if you wish?

Josh @ Dish TV Online

And turn off any auto update selections in the menu. You can then update manually whenever you want to.

Hi Biggles, I did try that, but with only 5 seconds before it does it again I don't get much time :)  I'll try again.

Biggles said:

And turn off any auto update selections in the menu. You can then update manually whenever you want to.

I can do that onto a USB stick, I'll give it a go.  Will it look on the USB before trying to connect to the update server?  Because I only have 5 seconds before it goes to the update screen of no return after turning it on, not enough time to get into the menu and change anything.

Dish TV Support said:

Good Morning Michelle

Please try a wired internet connection or an alternative method would be to download the software file from our website and put onto a USB and install that way , you can contact us to send you a USB with the software file on it if you wish?

Josh @ Dish TV Online

You may need to disconnect from online before trying but I guess even that could be difficult using WiFi. Maybe turn off the WiFi Modem so the T2200 can't communicate with it during boot up. That should stop it trying to connect and allow full boot up. Turn the WiFi modem on again after you get the T2200 sorted.

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