The following instructions are supplied by the manufacturer and extracted from the Dish TV website.
With some channels being transmitted on a Sky transponder, the satBox S2800 may need a rescan to locate the transmission.
The steps to do this are as follows:
- Press the Menu button to bring up the main menu
- Go to Installation and then go to Satellite Scan
- Press the Red Button on the remote.
- Press the Blue button and press OK to Add Carrier
- In the Frequency add 12519, for the SymbolRate add 22500
- Leave polarization on as Horizontal, Search Type: FTA , Network Search: On or Off
- The signal and quality indicators should now be on.
- Press the Green Button to scan. Once completed, press the Exit button to return back to TV
You should have BRAVO PLUS 1, PRIME, EDGE TV scanned in.