Just had another firmware update today and now if i want to access the menu it takes about 5-6 goes before it will load and I cannot now access tvondemand.

I get the error message there is something wrong with the internet connect but it shows as being connected in the settings.

Also con now not turn on my satbox using the remote it has to be done manually.

Dish tv satbox s8200

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I meant to say I cant access the apps  now for tv ondend

Hi Gary, you may need to reboot the unit for internet to be re-establish, if that doesn't work then please look at reconnecting to your internet using the device menu settings. 

Gary Burke said:

I meant to say I cant access the apps  now for tv ondend

Thanks Josh .That worked

but I still have to turn the box on manually as it wont work with the remote and I cannot get the menu to come up until after trying for about 5-6 times then it comes on.

I see it when I press the button but it is only a glimpse

Th remote works fine for channel changing and to turn off the box and yes I have changed to batteries.

When I push a button the light comes on so the remote is working.

The problems only began from the firmware update we got from the latest one and the one before so the problem lies with them.

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