DishTV S7090PVR error 'Device corrupted. Repairing in progress...' and more...

Hi, hope everyone had a relaxed X-Mas.
Unfortunately it is time now to get back to all those problems hanging around ;)

We have bought our DishTV in April 2015 and have a lot of problems with it, which I would like to list here,

1. Scrambled recordings
Unfortunately it happened the first time at the first All Blacks game (on Prime) during the World Cup 2015,
which taught me the lesson to get up and watch the other games live...
It happened a few times more, sometimes with a comment like 'due to power or user interruption', although neither of it was the case.

2. Edit failure
I almost edit every recording nearly always without any problems, but sometimes it erases different parts and even more than I have selected.

3. The lip-sync does fail from time to time on almost every program.

4. TV3 is a really bad quality (all others are clear)

5. Device corrupted. Repairing in progress...
We leave the DishTV nearly always on standby. When we turn it on the display shows,
- 'boot' for a while and than
- 'init' for a much longer time than usual
If we press any button during that time, the error above shows up.

I have to admit that we are no tech freaks, so we really appreciate any (understandable) help.

I would like to point out that the first setup was very easy (even for us ;) and easy.

Many thanks in advance,

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Totally forgotten...

6. EPG button does not work properly
I would say about 50% it does not respond at all and 60% it is
Loading... and Loading... and Loading... for ages.

Sorry, hope I did not forget anything else.
sounds like you need to update the firmware which can be downloaded from dish tv website im using a dish tv s7090 to and dont have any of the problems youve listed
Thanks Leon, I do not have a PC to download the update, but the DishTV guys answered me thru a different discussion here. Cheers, Annie
Unfortunately I have to add another issue:

7. During recording, I pressed 'LIB', then 'blue' to open the 'options' and scrolled down to 'Booking list'.
As I pressed 'ok', the info came up that the list is empty, although that was not the case.
Next was a big BAM, everything went black (TV+DishTV).
The DishTV rebooted and initialized completely new with the error-comment:
'Device corrupted. Repairing in progress...'
And the recorded program shows the error-comment:
'Due to some power interruption program not fully recorded.'
Although there was no power interruption.

Looking forward to hear from you.


Hi again Annie,

The problems you mention really remind me of problems in the old Firmware. If you can get that USB flash drive from DishTV with the latest firmware on it then that will fix the majority of your problems.

Unfortunately, get used to the EPG loading problem. Even with the latest firmware it is still a pain.

The main symptom for me is that after you exit from the Library back to live TV, the EPG button is ignored for quite a few seconds. If you wait 5-10 seconds before pressing it, then it will work. (You may still have to wait for the 'loading' 'loading' 'loading' before the EPG displays, but it will display.)


Update: USB stick arrived, software installation was easy as;
time will show, if it solved the problems ;)
A BIG THANKS to the Dish TV guys.
Cheers, Annie

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