I've been trying to tune a DSE-7500 freeview box to add the new prime channel. I used the guide posted on these forums, but after factory resetting the box and following the steps, I get the message "service not collected" during the first tuning step. Then it just takes me to a blank screen saying service not available. The box has now lost all the channels, and I can't get them back. I have tried the "what to do if things go wrong" guide, but it doesn't apply in my case. I can no longer update the firmware over the air because the box can no longer see the satellite.

What can I do?

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As Paul says, it will eventually fail. You could try to replace the LNB yourself when it finally drifts off frequency completely and you lose the channels again, but I would recommend getting an installer in to replace it as the alignment is tricky to get perfect and they would have the right test equipment to do the job.

Ok, thanks for the info.

And once again, thanks for all the help!



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