Veon tv connected to uhf outdoor aerial - not the only TV using aerial, run off splitter.

Hi group, 

I have the above tv running off the uhf aerial, and there's 2 other tvs running off the splitter, other two tvs are fine.

When tuning the dtv freeview chanels, it's only finding Chanel 1, 2 ,1+1, 2+2, Duke and Duke +1. It's actually finding 12 channels, but possibly they are double ups, but only shows the 6 channels in channel manager.

In the past I'm sure it had found around 18 or more channels.

Any ideas



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Have you tried disconnecting the other 2 TV's and then tune in the Veon to see if that will pick up all the required channels and then reconnect the other 2 to find out what will happen .

And does you splitter box have power running through all the ports ?

I will have to check the splitter to see if it's a power pass on all ports one.
I haven't tried unplugging the other 2 tvs yet, I will do that, I'll post back after doing so.



This is a photo of one splitter, I'm thinking it's a wrong type of one for my application? As no power pass on all ports?



The red lines mean power pass on this splitter
Tune in all TV's directly off aerial then put them where they're supposed to go
I tried a tune in with splitter disconnected, found 12 channels, only displayed 6 channels again.

Is there a channel memory wipe, if so what is the full procedure please.

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