Hi, we are having quite a few issues with losing signal while recoding. When we set more than one channel to record via the EPG, as soon as one recording stops or is due to start we then lose signal on certain channels which usually means we have to stop all recordings and turn off the free view unit. Which means we have to restart recordings all over again and miss some of the program. How do we fix this?

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how good is the signal according to the signal bars in the installation menu?

and does the fault occur when you manually add timer settings ?

80% strength and quality Optus D1 (160E) KU, 12456 MHz/22500/H. How do you know if you are on the right band.

I have only just started using the manual timer so time will tell if it does the same problem.

What model/type is your recorder? (Just making sure it is a dual tuner unit because a single tuner unit will do this if you are trying to record from the other satellite channel).

satBox-ultra S7090PVR Dish TV.  We are able to record 2 programmes at once, it doesnt always play up, seems to mainly do it when your taping TV2 with TV3 or prime.  I tried manual timer last night and it did the same thing.

we also have this on a two way splitter but the other tv is hardly going at the time of recordings.

Does the second tv have a satellite decoder for it too? Just want to make sure that you haven't connected a satellite dish feed into the second tv's rf input directly as this could really upset the signal.

It is possible that your LNB in the satellite dish is failing. A lot of old sky dishes have a dual sharp LNB (oval shaped pickup) on them that go unstable intermittently when they get old. If you do have one of these old LNB's on your dish, you should probably upgrade to a newer one.

The second tv does have a satellite decoder its one we have had for years.

Our sky dish is rather old, but we put a new LNB on it when we first got digital a few years ago.  It is a round one but does have a slight crack at the top.  If it is the LNB why does it only play up when your recording? Who is the best person to contact in upgrading it.



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