I brought 3 smartvu’s 2 work great 1 keeps saying an administrator password is required?? If i try send email for reset wont send, if i go Register says it knows me already, password was written down same on other 2 so getting annoying. All other apos open with same password so bit baffled
Rgds Brandon

Views: 446

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Hi Brandon,

I've just sent you a private message to confirm your email address. 

Once you've confirmed your email address, we'll check it out at our end and see what we can do to get your issue resolved.

Kind regards,


Thanks Hannah email recieved

Hi Brandon,

Just wanted to confirm which email you received. Was it the Freeview reset password email or my Freeview Forum private message?

Kind regards,


Brandon said:

Thanks Hannah email recieved
Hey Hannah just wondered whats happening with my concerns & a remedy was available
Rgds Brandon

Hey Brandon, sorry just picking this up! Are you still needing some help with this? 



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