Late model smart Samsung TVs using satellite input. When Samsung launched their new TV plus app satellite service was disrupted and I cannot retune using Freeview sat option on TV. I have had to use satellite option and then reshuffle all TV channels into the correct order manually. Very annoying. Anyone else found this? More importantly, anyone know the antidote? Cheers

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Hi Chris, what is the model of the Samsung TV

Various models (I have 5 faulty ones on the books!) All less than 5 years old, all smart TVs, all on satelitte via their inbuilt tuners


Robert Hepple said:

Hi Chris, what is the model of the Samsung TV

Are they all the same series , or different series , do they all now have the next Samsung + app, I also have a few , I have passed it back onto Samsung to sort  (through their service agent) - I still haven't heard back as yet , obviously a firmware update will be required

Hi Robert, sorry would have to go back to all my customers to obtain model numbers (yeah, I know, I should have done that while I was there!) All later models. Three were working OK until Samsung + app turned up. One is brand new and failed upon switch on. Tried 0800 samsung and of course got nowhere. Even had one guy try via their remote access. Just repeated what I had tried. Could have saved him the time, hopeless. Yeah mate looks like a firmware problem, no question. Let me know how you get on and I'll do the same. Cheers

Robert Hepple said:

Are they all the same series , or different series , do they all now have the next Samsung + app, I also have a few , I have passed it back onto Samsung to sort  (through their service agent) - I still haven't heard back as yet , obviously a firmware update will be required

Hi Chris, did you hear back from Samsung or have the ones you had resolved ie firmware update fix

Hi Robert, no haven't heard back from Samsung, no surprises there. All I've done for now is a manual scan and then manually sorted all the channels into their correct order. Tedious and slow. If Freeview does an update in the future those TVs will miss out.  Bloody slack

Robert Hepple said:

Hi Chris, did you hear back from Samsung or have the ones you had resolved ie firmware update fix

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