Upgrader version_2.2_1.2

TV:- Panasonic Plasma tv

Loader Version:- 1.2

SW Version:- 1.43

S/W Buiild Date Oct 14 2019

S/W Build Time:- 13:32:43

Upgrader Version 2.2_1.2

Watching tv is fine. Have all channels. Signal strength is 99%.

But when I watch "On Demand" it freezes.

Gone to Netwrok Software Upgrade - "On Demand" still freezes".

Rescanned my channels  - "On Demand" still freezes".

Doing Factory Reset "On Demand" still freezes".

ok  freezes now for 20 to 40 seconds. Starts the program, freezes after 5 seconds.

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Good Morning Taylor

Cn you confirm if this is for every program or any specific shows ondemand?


All "Shows" on "Demand". No issues with normal freeview channels. I have UHF. Strong signal at 99%.  Have 3 tvs with no issues for normal freeview, situated around the house. All UHF.

Only one has on demand. The rest are just normal tv viewing.

Taylor said:

All "Shows" on "Demand". No issues with normal freeview channels. I have UHF. Strong signal at 99%.  Have 3 tvs with no issues for normal freeview, situated around the house. All UHF.

Hi Taylor

I have passed your details onto the DISH TV team, and they will reply back to you via Email. 



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