quite a while ago I decided to split the cable coming from the dish so that I could use another TV with seperate Top Box. I originally purchased a Hills 4 way splitter (BC15470SR) only to find that I couldn't get any reception through. I then read that this splitter was not the right one for a Satellite set up and I ended purchasing another type a Match Master 3 way splitter (07MM-TM13) and have had no trouble with it.
What I would like to know is what is the difference (a part from the number of outlets) is there between these two splitters
Well the 07MM-TM13 is a Sat splitter with all ports power pass.
Can't find any specs on the other but suspect it's either VHF/UHF (not suitable for Sat) or only one power pass port.
Got a photo of it?
The VHF/UHF splitters are only good to around 900mhz. Sat splitters go to around 2500mhz.
Thanks for the info, I've posted a photo of the Hills Splitter20180415_001741a.jpg
It seems to be similar to the Matchmaster
OK. Only difference is number of ports and only a single power pass port on the Hills.
Arthur Wright said:
Thanks for the info, I've posted a photo of the Hills Splitter20180415_001741a.jpg
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