The Late Show is ending it's recording schedule before recording anything.

Hi all, whenever I set the schedule to record The Late Show, whether it be single or series, first run or repeat, after a few hours it tells me that the program has finished and ends up with the waiting for repeat message, which never happens. This started at the start of the new season earlier this year. It's the only program that this happens to, and I am recording other programs on Prime with no issues. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

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Hi Adam, 

Can you confirm with me what device you are using to record, like the model and make please. 


It's a DishTV S7090.

Are you able to check if you have the latest software version for the unit, if you are unsure, in the settings there should be a option called version - are you able to tell me what version the software is. 

If the software version is not the lastest it may help to have this updates to avoid anything that could affect recordings. 

Otherwise it could be something elese that may require looking into. 


Hi Josh,

Software version is A3U_11_0170.

I did an OTA update and it said there is no update, so I assume that is the most recent.



Hi Adam

That makes sense. Please fill in a form to start a ticket with as much details as possible, the team will have a look and talk to the associated partners 

Kind Regards


Hi Josh,

Good news! I had another go at adding it to the record list over the weekend and it has stayed put, and recorded 2 episodes without any issue so far. Looks like it could be good.

Many thanks for your help.


Thanks for the update Adam! 

Let me know if you need anything further. 

Kindest Regards, 


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