Can someone please update the Network Status page - just spoken to JDA as the TVNZ mux isn't transmitting in Timaru - they have people working on it now but don't know what's wrong yet so no ETA for a fix.

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Is there anyone on here that monitors the Freeview Facebook Page? It would be VERY HELPFUL if a post was highlighted/pinned at the top of the page regarding the TVNZ channel issue for the Timaru area - yes people can check the network status and yes Freeview is not technically responsible for faults but the general public see Freeview advertised and associate any faults with Freeview so they check out the Freeview page. It is just making customers more frustrated that there is little/no reply's from anyone on the Freeview page - it's left to installers or other users to update and that's just not good enough. It's hurting us as installers as it's very easy to loose business from issues like this, not to mention the large amount of time spent advising customers on updates etc. If someone could just reply to some of the posts and highlight a main post on the issue it would keep people happy - it's not hard!



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