Congratulations Sky TV.

After a few days of the SKY Open EPG displaying NO programs after midnight on January 2nd 2024 some one has finally fixed the problem over night and programs are now listed.

And yes, there were no programs listed on FREEVIEWNZ.TV either.

I am surprised that nobody seemed to notice. Nothing on these Forums.

And there is no option to contact SKY regarding problems with SKY Open their web site. Go Figure!!

It's not like this EPG problem has happened before...  Wait! Yes it has, Prime at least!. And Sky told me that it is not responsible for anything on the Freeview platform. I guess the EPG information gets from Sky to Freeview by magic!!!!!

It would be great if you Freeview dudes could have a alert to inform you if a channel has no data in its EPG.

I am sure that you know whom to contact about this problem. 

Hmmm  SKY Open... Sounds more like a Tennis tournament.

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