My TV is really old and doesn't have composite cable connection points or anything - only the aerial plug.  I have an adaptor that I have used to hook up the DVD player in the past and this has enabled me to hook it all up.  I have got picture and sound, but the only thing is I don't have colour.  Has anyone else heard of this problem? Any ideas what I can do to rectify it? I took the freeview box back to the shop and they tested it and got colour pictures and I can get colour pictures if I turn to Prime or Maori TV direct on the TV.  I have changed the colour settings in the set up menu, but nothing changes.  I'm assuming there must be other people out there with TVs like mine, but there are no instructions about how to connect when your TV only has a TV aerial plug.

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Hi Carleen,

It can be a bit of a challenge to set up older TVs correctly - you might like to contact the manufacturer of the digital receiver you're using for some advice on what hasn't been done correctly.

The manufacturer would know more about the technical details around how the device might interface with older TVs & if you need any additional connectors to add to the ones you're already using.



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