Ondemand app hangs / crashes mid-programme around ad breaks

I recently upgraded to a FreeviewPlus capable Sony TV (model KD55X8500C) sold on FreeviewPlus with Ondemand built in. However since using have found Ondemand playback routinely fails part way through a programme, around the ad breaks. This can be at any ad break (has even happened once at the very start of a programme), though a pattern seems to be always failing at the second-to-last ad break of every Masterchef episode I watch!

What happens is either an error message "Sorry, there is a problem playing this video. Please try again later or contact us if the problem persists", or playback just hangs / freezes on a blank screen. Recovering from this also isn't easy, at a minimum you have to close Ondemand and open it again (which can be done with the error message), but more often than not the only way out is to turn the TV off and on again at the wall (as off / on doesn't work on the remote). Once back in the app, you need to fast forward to where you were up to, and very often it fails again. It's not unusual to take 3 or 4 attempts before it works again (once it even refused to work and I resorted to watching the rest of an episode on my phone). So rather frustrating, to say the least.

Are others having the same or similar problems?

Can anything be done to fix or avoid the problem, or is this more a case of having to wait for a software update of some sort? (for the record, have performed a factory reset of the TV's software, which didn't fix the problem).

Does this problem happen on the other FreeviewPlus capable TVs (LG, Panasonic, Samsung) or is it particular to just Sony / Android TV?

Thanks for any ideas!

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all off the above is why i dont use the on demand apps . i record alot or or use Kodi

have a sumsung

Still waiting for this shit to be sorted have called freeview and they dont give a shit been into media works no one there and dont give a shit been into tvnz called emailed facebook they dont give a shit so what the hell do we need to do to get this shit sorted 

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