I log into my TV using IGLOO.
I am getting an error.
Loader verion 3.1.09 and Download version: 255
Updating system software
Do not disconnect from mains supply or antenna, This may take a while.
I did not disconnect for 2 days.
I connected the IGLOO box to my modem via ethernet.
Yet no software gets downloaded.
I need some guidance to update my IGLOO box. Please help me.
As I have 2 of then the best way to reset it is to use factory reset to get up and running and forget about getting new software as there is none available . If it wasn't done when sky pulled the plug nothing will happen and do not use the ethernet cable or wifi as it will create problems as you have found out . And around 3am it will try to update and the way to get around that is just push the back button above the volume control or it will switch itself off .
Thanks for your response. How do I get it to reset to factory settings?
So if I understand that the IGLOO box cannot be reused as a FreeView box.
Go to menu ---> settings ----> diagnostics ----> factory reset .
Then follow the instructions and ignore anything to do with the internet and in it should take around 5 mins and you freeview tv will be ready to go . And when you start each time either push the OK button or just a channel number and the you are set to go also .
Unfortunately I cannot even get to the Menu either through my TV nor my computer. As soon as I switch the IGLOO box.
I am getting an error.
Loader verion 3.1.09 and Download version: 255
Updating system software
Do not disconnect from mains supply or antenna, This may take a while.
Yuning Tzy
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