It is 6.00PM on Sunday 17 Februrary and we are having issues with reception on all channels in the Waikanae area -- Is anyone else having this problem?

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Same in Paraparaumu Beach ☹️

6:20 PM and it is now fixed

Same issue in Wellington. Seems ok now at 6.25pm

Seems to be fixed now

Same here, thought it may have been our new Dish TV box that plays up all the time.

Yes it seems to be fine now in Wellington, but I am on satellite so I guess all the country was having the same problems.

I had it in Christchurch but it was the TVNZ satellite transponder only, now fixed. stations on the mediaworks and prime transponders were fine

Same in Christchurch - must be a national problem,

Thanks for getting in touch, we were notified Sunday night by the transmission provider Kordia of a problem that had affected Freeview reception from 5:58pm to 6:20pn Sunday evening.

The fault had been resolved with Kordia investigating the cause as a matter of urgency. We’d like to relay their apology for this temporary disruption and will follow up with Kordia to understand what caused this and how it can be avoided going forward.

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