I have a Samsung Series 5 tv

I have a  Hills Satellite Dish 

I live in the south Island in Southland  Gore.

Have  A2 Superbox

Use Fibre

Can you tell me how to connect to On Demand. I get as far as trying to register/ Sign in and it says it can't connect with that email address. The email or Password is wrong. 

Do I use the password for this site, as I have forgotten it.

I hope you can give me a way to complete this. 

I have read Therese's post and have turned it off at the wall with no luck.

My previous problem hasn't been fixed but I am using my A2 box and hope it continues to behave it's self. A service tech checked out my satellite reported all good. Thankyou for the suggestions.


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Hi Rhonda, 

The first time you select to watch an On Demand show, you will be asked to register for a new Freeview account. 

If you choose to register by email, there's a 2-step process to follow.

  1. Enter your email address and agree to our Terms of Use. The content will play automatically at this point, because a temporary account would have been created for you and you'll receive an email asking you to complete your registration within 7 days.
  2. Within 7 days, open the email and click the link it contains to verify and complete your registration.  You'll be asked to fill in a few details such as your name, email, gender and date of birth.

You should now have an official Freeview account and be logged in on your TV.  

What if I don't complete my registration within 7 days?

Your temporary account will expire after 7 days and you'll need to register again.  You should be able to use the same email address as before, but just don't forget to check your email and complete your registration process within a week!

If you choose to register by Facebook, here's what you can expect:

  1. Once you select 'Register with Facebook', a unique onscreen code and a webpage link will pop up, the link should be freeviewnz.tv/fbtv.
  2. Using the browser on your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop, go to that webpage by typing the link freeviewnz.tv/fbtv into the browser's address bar.
  3. Sign into your Facebook account, check the box to agree with Freeview's Terms of Use and click the "Register with Facebook" button.
  4. Enter your unique onscreen code to link your account with the TV or box you're using.

Once done, your registration is complete and the show you've selected will start playing automatically. 

You'll be signed in automatically each time you access Freeview On Demand so you can dive straight into all that great content - no need to log in each time.

And don't worry, we won't post anything to your Facebook page.

Hi Josh 

I went to on demand and picked out a show. I got a message that said' Oops there seems to be an issue loading this page. Please try again."

I can't find the registration page.

You may need to clear the cache, to do this:

Go to the Ondemand Hompage, and select SETTINGS on the top

You will see a Log Out or Clear Cache button ./ Reset

You cna then try again with the registration proccess, let me know if the issue still reoccurs,.

Rhonda Graeve said:

Hi Josh 

I went to on demand and picked out a show. I got a message that said' Oops there seems to be an issue loading this page. Please try again."

I can't find the registration page.

I hope you 'get this . This is the only reset I could find.

I went to the Home Page then clicked on settings which gave me the screen I have sent. I don't think I want to do a factory reset.

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