Good to see C4 available again on satelite Freeview. Have a problem, when switching to C4, audio quality

is like listening to a scratched CD. Does anyone else have this problem or does anyone know why it is


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Hi Shane, I have test operated C4 before Freeview added the service again last week and the sound is fine although I have noticed on some of the music videos problems with how sound is split is marginal after running it on a 5.1 Surround system. 

Hi Shane, sounds good on my satbox here. Is it all the time, and what type of box do you have? Perhaps there is a compatibility issue between the channels sourced from Sky and your box. Have you tried a retune?

Gidday Mike. It always happens when I first flick over to C4, then deminishes over time to only happen intermittantly. I have a Freeview Sat box and I also thought that the issue could be with the Sky source, but have no problem with the audio quality of the Trackside channel. So am stumped.

Mike G said:

Hi Shane, sounds good on my satbox here. Is it all the time, and what type of box do you have? Perhaps there is a compatibility issue between the channels sourced from Sky and your box. Have you tried a retune?

Fairly sure C4 is actually on the Sky transponder as a FTA channel , not Freeview  , maybe contact Sky or Mediaworks !! 

Hi Steve, Yes the EPG Data  and channel are operated by the SKY Transponder in which with MHEG 5 technology Freeview handle the Allocations and EPG to Freeview Devices. 

Steve J said:

Fairly sure C4 is actually on the Sky transponder as a FTA channel , not Freeview  , maybe contact Sky or Mediaworks !! 

c4 on 12644h, sky tp



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