he following issues are being investigated by the product development team.


Updated 6/04/2018:  This issue is now affecting SONY Android 2015 TVs.  Freeview is currently working with broadcasters, Sony and the developer of the player to resolve this.

For users with LG TVs: LG LH series TVs from 2016 continue to be affected by this issue.  Models affected are: 55LH600V, 49LH600V, 43LH600V, 55LH575T, 49LH570T, 43LH570T, 32LH570D 

All other models should now have updated to the new firmware fix released by LG in 2017.  

Samsung TV turns off in the middle of watching streaming content [Updated 20/03/2018]

Some users of new Samsung Smart TVs have reported that their TV turns off after 10-15minutes of streaming in the Freeview On Demand application - this happens when streaming TVNZ OnDemand or ThreeNow shows.

Update: Samsung has firmware available for distribution but only through USB currently, the official release will be made available in May 2018 via the Samsung NZ website and network.  Please contact Samsung Support on 0800 726 7864 in the meantime to request a USB update.

Freeview On Demand Samsung Smart TV app affected by other auxiliary connections (e.g. HDMI) [Updated 20/03/2018]

For users of Samsung 2017 and top-end 2016 TVs: remote input is not being fed through to the Freeview On Demand smart TV app when a  device is connected via HDMI cable (e.g. Sky decoder or Apple TV). 

Update: Samsung has firmware available for distribution but only through USB currently, the official release will be made available in May 2018 via the Samsung NZ website and network.  Please contact Samsung Support on 0800 726 7864 in the meantime to request a USB update.

Error when playing TVNZ OnDemand [Logged 22/12/2017; Updated 4/1/2018]

We received a few reports where users see an error when attempting to play TVNZ OnDemand  content from within the app.  The error has been rectified on 4 Jan 2018; however linkage between the Freeview and TVNZ apps is still not working correctly, so selecting a show within Freeview will open the homepage of the TVNZ app.  An update to both apps is expected to correct this in the coming weeks.

In the meantime, users may wish to select TVNZ programmes from within the TVNZ OnDemand app. Go to the Apps page, launch TVNZ OnDemand from there and select to play shows from within the TVNZ OnDemand app.

TVNZ OnDemand shows not playing - goes to blank screen

There's currently a problem playing TVNZ OnDemand content on some devices, where a blank screen is presented instead of the video when selecting a show to stream.  This issue has been reported by users of the Satbox s8100 and s8200, as well as some Samsung and LG Smart TVs.  The Freeview and TVNZ team are investigating this issue.  [Added on Tue 21 Nov 2017]

TVNZ OnDemand shows selected goes to TVNZ OnDemand homepage

When selecting a TVNZ OnDemand title within the Freeview On Demand application, the TVNZ OnDemand app fails to load the page for the selected title (the homepage loads instead).  This has been escalated to the application developers at Freeview and TVNZ, more updates to follow. [logged 04/09/2017]

Live TV audio persists when browsing through the TVNZ OnDemand app

On selected TVs, while the user is browsing for content in the TVNZ OnDemand app, Live TV audio persists in the background.  This has been escalated to the app team, more updates to follow. [logged 04/09/2017]

Experiencing other On Demand playback issues? 

Freeview works with broadcasters and manufacturers to log and investigate issues affecting the Freeview ON DEMAND (FreeviewPlus) application.  As some issues occur intermittently, are specific to selected products or affect distinct videos or ads, it can take time to zone in on the cause and address the problem.

If you cannot stream an ON DEMAND video at all or all the way through, please note down the programme title, series (or season) and episode and report it here.  The details you provide may help in isolating the cause of the problem. Thanks!

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