We are getting spammed on this forum. I first noticed it on someone else’s profile. Then I got my profile approved, and sure enough the same message popped up, with a different name. So i looked up other users on the forum, sure enough the NZ based ones with a public profile had the same message on their profile. But I can’t even find how to report profiles, I don’t think it’s even possible. I can see how to switch off comments on my profile, but that’s already there, it’s an obvious scam and it looks ugly. How can we get these profiles taken down and the comment removed?

And I made a typo in my profile name, how can I fix this? Doesn’t seem to be a way to do this either.

I took screenshots of the offending messages but I can’t seem to attach them here.

Oh there’s another one spamming the forum. How on earth did they even get a profile name ending in “lost love potions” approved for a forum on Freeview TV?

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Agree, very annoying.

Anyone else getting james pollard message in comment wall, as well as email?

Says he's from dubai UAE, but i suspect he's from nigeria (lol). I found exact same message via google (ie is scammer).

Hi Jory, 

Thanks for letting us know. If you get any spamming feel free to send me a message and I will investigate and take action as necessary. 

There should hopefully be no more messages from Pollard.

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