im pretty gutted to find out my 4 year old smart tv isn't able to pick up tv3 Now or Freeview apps!!! Surely the technology is out there to deal with this, after all I can still use tvnz, Freeview and Netflix???

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I'm with you. I bought my LG TV 3 years ago. Freeview on demand was working perfectly - now cut off. I wonder how many viewers with "old" tvs they have alienated and how many potential viewers they will lose.

I'm with you too. I bought my Veon Smart TV in Feb 2018, Old FreeView Plus worked fine, but new FreeView on Demand loads and shows me all the available shows, but most of them, ie those over 45 minutes long won't play properly, aren't able to be paused, won't play to the end, seems to play the same ads twice or more, keeps showing the progress bar at the bottom of the screen, etc. Basically, I can't control it when playing a tv show. 

I have formally lodged these problems, but I have been fobbed off firstly by being told to reset my tv, which did nothing and secondly I was told my problem couldn't be replicated. The latter is rubbish, because when I spoke to a Veon technician that person easily duplicated my problem, with the shows I had tested it on.

I suspect that this tv may have insufficient memory to run the new FreeView on Demand properly, but I can't get to talk or communicate with a person who can deal with this seriously.

Now I don't know what to do.

Roy Lee said:

I'm with you. I bought my LG TV 3 years ago. Freeview on demand was working perfectly - now cut off. I wonder how many viewers with "old" tvs they have alienated and how many potential viewers they will lose.

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