I did a scan for Freeview TV channels from the central tower in Hamilton and received 23 channels. In January 2023 without altering the UHF aerial I rescanned and received the full 28 channels. However, those 5 channels, which includes Al Jazeera, Hope and 3 other channels,disappeared in February or March 2023 without any alteration to the UHF aerial. What's the status of those channels at present? Have they completed making alterations to the transmission there yet?

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Need to reset the TV and Select UHF or Satellite New Zealand DTV Hamilton Codes as they can Change or need a New Aerial to pickup the Channels as Freeview has a problem as the Cost prices are high and need Broadcasters permission as like Anpa in North and South Islands before Change to Auckland only Channel and the numbers Drop on Sky TV too with the Channels and Freeview over the years of TV and Radio problem. As the start of Radio Freg over years has not work Good Than and Now as we have Bugs of Techology near everyDay and Years.

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