If anyone would like to now what antenna they need for here specific location you can go to www.matchmaster.co.nz and click on the antenna selection guide, put in your phyiscal street adress and answer the few other relevant questions and you will get a detailed report of what antenna you need, the polarisation of the antenna and all sorts of oter info ncluding a parts listing, if you then click on review transmitter it will give you the compass direction you need to point the antenna on an overlay using googe earth, give it a try.

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Hi CB,

Helpful, but unfortunately not accurate. I would suggest that you first check on Freeview's coverage map on the Freeview website.

I tested them both with four known bad blackspots for the UHF signal in the Waikato. In all four cases, Freeview's coverage check stated "Unlikely" for UHF but okay for satellite, while Matchmaster's guide happily suggested a standard aerial without any mention of even an amplifier.

Cheers,    Bill.  

Thanks for you feedback Bill.

We are currently doing some more work on the program so it takes into account topography to work out actual propagation loss rather than just a distance thing.

we are also releasing a new Televes antenna that has a diapole with AGC, called the DAT45 and testing in remote areas it is proving to work much better than anything else on the market.

send me an email tonys@matchmaster.co.nz and i can send you some info



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