David Lipscombe


Waiheke Island

New Zealand

Profile Information:

How do you receive Freeview?
Freeview Satellite™ (Via Satellite Dish), Freeview |HD™ (Via UHF Aerial)
Can you type the make model of your devices. The product model is usually on the device itself or any packaging.
Igloo , 2 x dse7500 , Alkriss , Transonic TWH-S1 sky basic

Comment Wall:

  • Zinwell

    Graham Wilson

    Here are the instructions for adding Trackside & C4 on a G7500.  

    To view the C4 & Trackside EPG, try it from another channel (not from C4 or Trackside) .  As far as I know the Sky Guide is currently not compatible with the Freeview EPG